It's a joy to see the sun, timely. It brings some semblance of normality, and the chance to clear out the shed takes the mind off other things.
In the afternoon, I ride the Avon Causeway loop. It's an ideal route - only about 9 miles, so short enough to give it some welly, and relatively flat with some small hills, similar terrain to the course that I'll face on race day. As I head out of Christchurch, I'm flying along and feeling good. I charge through Burton and Sopley. After 5 miles, I get to the turn on to the causeway. I suddenly realise why I was going so quickly early on, as a stiff breeze hits me square in the face. My speed drops, and my jacket acts like a sail, pulling me backwards. All I can do is tuck as low as I can while still keeping control of the bike. It's only a short ride to the shelter of the trees on the other side, but it's hard work, on what should be the easiest part of the ride.
I keep ploughing on, over roller coaster curves, and I'm sure I'm on course for a good time. I stay in gear for the short climb at Ramsdown. All is going well, until a feel a stitch in my right side. I suck through my teeth determined not to let it get in the way, but as I reach the crest it gets worse quickly, until it's like being stabbed with a dagger on every stroke. I have no option but to coast to a stop at the traffic lights on the other side and climb off. I stop the clock at that point. An average speed of 17.6mph over the 7 miles I've completed is the fastest ride I've probably ever done over any reasonable distance, which was nice. Next time, two laps I think.
Rest of the week in review:
Monday - Swimming. Still my nemesis.
Wednesday - Run. 2.1mi @ 8:56/mi
Thursday - Cycle, to work. I set a personal best on The Hill, which pleases me no end until I realise that I'm still only ranked 608th of 738 for that segment on Strava. The best I can do is accept that on race day I'm going to be slow up there, and concentrate on recovering once I'm up.
Saturday - Run. Another 2 miles, at 8:44/mi, the fastest yet. If I'm not careful, I might end up enjoying running. I think some of the weight is starting to shift, and every pound less to lug round is a bonus.
Four weeks in now, I think I might just be able to do this thing.
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