Picked one?
It comes as a bit of a surprise, having entirely forgotten that I'd made my sixth attempt in the ballot, and it's a simple ping that brings the news to my inbox. As I read it my heartbeat quickens, and I'm simultaneously delighted and horrified - delighted that I'm in, horrified that just as the days start to darken and the heating comes on that I should have committed myself to 6 months of long runs.
State of the nation: not entirely terrible, but not great. The Bournemouth Bay Half in April was slow going, a career worst 2:20-ish, thanks largely to wearing really bad socks that chewed up my feet. A 25 minute Parkrun, once a sign of a bad day, is a bit of a dream right now. On the plus side, I've not given up running, albeit I'm a little irregular, but occasionally an 8 or 9 miler happens.
To try and keep motivation up, I've entered the Dark Half, a half marathon in the dark, naturally. Unfortunately, the usual happened - instead of motivation its become a reason to rebel, and so I find myself 3 weeks away having done very little to actually prep myself for anything even approaching 2 hours. The little email finding it's way to me refocuses the mind, and suddenly the Dark Half, rapidly heading towards a no-show, becomes a must-do.
So, Garmin out, trainers on, this could be interesting. As soon as the rain stops.
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